Instituto Italiano del Marchio de Qualitá Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (USA) International Electrotechnical Commission Guo Biao = National Standard (People's Republic of China) International Special Committee on Radio InterferenceĬommittee on Data for Science and Technology (Committee of ICSU)ĭanmarks Electriske Materielkontrol (Denmark)ĭeutsches Institut für Normung (German Institute for Standardisation)Įconomic Commission for Europe regulations.įoundation for Intelligent Physical Agents (Interoperability standards) Standards Setting and Safety Testing OrganisationsĪsociación Española de Normalización y Certificación (Spain)Īmerican National Standards Institute sponsored by NEMAĪssociation Suisse des Electriciens (Swiss)Īmerican Society for Testing and Materialsīattery Council International (Publishes Automotive Battery Standards)Ĭalifornia Air Resources Board (Automotive Emission Standards)Įuropean Committee for Normalisation (Standards Committee)Įuropean Committee for Electrotechnical Standardisation
See also the International Telecommunications Union (ITU) for the importance of standards. Standards and Safety Testing Organisations In Europe, European standards are gradually being adopted in replacement of the previous national standards.Ĭopies of the relevant standards can be obtained directly from the issuing organisations or from public libraries. National and international standards organisations were set up to facilitate trade by encouraging greater product interoperability and compatibility as well as setting standards for acceptable product safety, quality and reliability.īelow are listed some of the most common standards applicable to battery applications and some of the organisations who issue them and or carry out quality assurance and conformance testing. "The great thing about standards is that there are so many to choose from." - Anon. International Standards and Testing Applicable to Batteries Woodbank does not monitor or record these emails